Town Hall reservation

The Forestville Town Hall is available for rental to organizations and individuals.

Residents of the Town of Forestville and the Village of Forestville must pay a $100 rental fee, as well as a clean-up deposit of $50, when reserving the hall.

Check availability in the calendar if you want to book online.

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If you want to book offline please contact the Town Clerk to determine if the Town Hall is available on the date you prefer. If available, please complete a Town Hall Use Agreement and submit the form along with required fees to the Town Clerk.

Non-residents of the Town or Village of Forestville must pay a $125 rental fee, as well as a clean-up deposit of $50, when reserving the hall. Contact the Town Clerk to determine if the Town Hall is available on the date you prefer. If available, please complete a Town Hall License/Rental Agreement and submit the form along with required fees to the Town Clerk.